Wholesale & Distribution Supply Chain
Retail covers a wide variety of sectors: building products, tools, decoration, DIY, office supplies, furniture, destocking and specialized distribution. What all of these players have in common is that they manage a large number of references to meet omnichannel demand such as store networks, sales agencies, e-commerce, home or site deliveries, etc. Thus, it is essential to fully understand the forecast demand associated with each pair product x distribution channel in order to respond as best as possible, while minimizing shortages and overstocks. AZAP is there to improve your Supply Chain in wholesale and distribution.

AZAP’s contribution to the Omnichannel
Distribution & Trading Supply Chain
AZAP offers a set of Supply Chain planning and optimization solutions suitable for Omnichannel Distribution and Trading. These solutions aim to increase your economic and environmental performance. All this while improving your service rate and optimizing your inventory and the cost of your supplies. Finally, they allow you to reduce your environmental footprint. These business solutions cover the support of your S&OP process, demand forecasting, supply planning, inventory optimization, management of supplier scales and commercial events.
Each solution natively integrates your specific business constraints such as multi-supplier sourcing or the management of exemptions. Each of them also adapt over time according to the evolution of your activity, for example with the opening of new platforms or points of sale or the change of distribution scheme, while respecting your constraints.
Anticipate demand
Trading and Distribution are the subject of commercial specificities which impact the forecast of your sales. AZAP’s Demand Planning module offers different forecast models depending on product types, hierarchy, seasonality, life cycle, etc. Intuitive tables and curves allow you to quickly visualize your sales history. They also allow you to correct them if necessary, analyze your data, classify it (A, B, C), by frequency of sale, by price, then to calculate a forecast at any level of detail or hierarchy.
A roadmap is automatically calculated for each forecaster in order to prioritize their tasks and manage their activity by exception thanks to the display of alerts and business indicators. For example, the software will automatically notify you of non-standard sales, exceptional sales to be corrected, planned events, product life cycle, etc.
Integrate omnichannel distribution
Trading and Distribution are undergoing rapid change with the rise of new distribution channels (e-commerce, stores, drives, B2B, etc.). The solution supports you in these different stages of your omnichannel strategy: for example, the software calculates the forecast demand and the needs for each distribution channel. AZAP then allows you to manage your flows in an efficient and differentiated way, whatever the channel. This by giving you a global view of the entire logistics scheme. AZAP thus adapts to your omnichannel logistics system and not the other way around. The model will then evolve at the same rate as your changes in logistics patterns and adapt to support your growth.
Plan your highlights and your catalogs
AZAP Demand Planning builds your forecasts on the basis of your history and anticipates the seasonality of your highlights. Both ex-warehouse and ex-store. It automatically plans the quantities to be supplied, stored and distributed so that your distribution platforms and points of sale have the right references in the right quantity, at the right time. The software provides dynamic replenishment of stores, takes into account the criteria for highlighting your products in your catalogs (photo size, positioning, promotion, etc.) and estimates their impact on your sales.
Plan your supplies & respect your supplier contracts
In most cases, supply planning will use the results of the demand forecast. Demand Planning is used to build a classification of your products taking into account their sales history. This module also takes into account their output frequency, volume, unit price, hierarchy, etc. To automate your supplies, the Warehouse Replenishment and / or Store Replenishment modules will calculate orders automatically while respecting your supplier constraints and scales, the annual budget by brand, your storage constraints, as the case may be.
The software also takes into account your stored products (in the catalog and available in branch) and in “proxy” (ordered on demand). This is to provide you with an optimal supply. Once the supplier order proposals have been established, they are therefore automatically transmitted to the ERP by the software which itself monitors them.
Optimize your stores / agencies restocking
The Store Replenishment module determines the store replenishment thresholds. This depending on your business parameters such as their assortment, periods of the year and supply frequencies. Depending on these thresholds, the software optimizes your store restocking taking into account stock levels, safety stocks and in progress. In the event of a shortage, AZAP allocates the available quantities according to the priorities set.
Manage your exemptions
Beyond the conditions negotiated upstream by purchases between the various players in the sector, there are derogated price schemes that you can activate on certain sites. AZAP makes it possible to integrate all of these exemptions into the overall flow, as well as into supply projections. This therefore saves a lot of time for reporting and manual checking.
Optimize your quantitative scales
The Procurement Optimization module integrates quantitative or column scales to optimize your supplies. Optimized thanks to the economies of scale induced by the quantities ordered. The software optimizes your orders to reach free and discount thresholds, linked for example to reaching a number of pallets, a mixed quantity or a full truck, while respecting other supply constraints (min, max, deadlines…).
« We chose AZAP who presented us with ergonomic, dynamic software at a competitive price. We were won over by their ability to manage both upstream and downstream supply, but also by a very pleasant and professional project and pre-project team. »
Jérémy JOUAN, Supply Chain Director Groupe CSP
Legallais is the No.1 distributor in France of hardware products for professionals. Legallais has chosen our AZAP Demand Forecasting, AZAP Optimization of Supplies and Stocks solutions as well as our AZAP Reporting module to optimize the performance of its Supply Chain.
Beauty Success
Beauty Success is the No. 1 franchised perfume distributor in France. The company has chosen AZAP Demand Forecasting, AZAP Optimization of Supplies & Stocks and AZAP Reporting to improve its forecasts, but also to manage its network of points of sale and to reduce its stocks.
referral with constant headcount
Significant decrease
of inventory level
reliability on forecasts
Some clients in Omnichannel
Distribution and Trading